A tooltip is a floating, non-actionable label used to explain a user interface element or feature.Default
The default form of a tooltip.
import React from 'react';
import Button from '@atlaskit/button/new';
import Tooltip from '@atlaskit/tooltip';
export default () => (
<Tooltip content="This is a tooltip">
{(tooltipProps) => (
<Button appearance="primary" {...tooltipProps}>
Hover or keyboard focus on me
Use the position
prop to set a preferred position (auto
, top
, right
, left
, or bottom
The tooltip will move automatically if it's near the edge of the screen.
Using a position of auto
will place the tooltip on the side with the most space available.
import React from 'react';
import Button from '@atlaskit/button/new';
import { cssMap } from '@atlaskit/css';
import { placements } from '@atlaskit/popper';
import { Box } from '@atlaskit/primitives/compiled';
import { token } from '@atlaskit/tokens';
import Tooltip from '@atlaskit/tooltip';
const placementGridPositions = cssMap({
'top-start': {
gridColumn: 2,
gridRow: 1,
top: {
gridColumn: 3,
gridRow: 1,
'top-end': {
gridColumn: 4,
gridRow: 1,
'bottom-start': {
gridColumn: 2,
gridRow: 5,
bottom: {
gridColumn: 3,
gridRow: 5,
'bottom-end': {
gridColumn: 4,
gridRow: 5,
'right-start': {
gridColumn: 5,
gridRow: 2,
right: {
gridColumn: 5,
gridRow: 3,
'right-end': {
gridColumn: 5,
gridRow: 4,
'left-start': {
gridColumn: 1,
gridRow: 2,
left: {
gridColumn: 1,
gridRow: 3,
'left-end': {
gridColumn: 1,
gridRow: 4,
'auto-start': {
gridColumn: 3,
gridRow: 2,
auto: {
gridColumn: 3,
gridRow: 3,
'auto-end': {
gridColumn: 3,
gridRow: 4,
const buttonGridStyles = cssMap({
root: {
display: 'grid',
gap: token('space.100'),
gridTemplate: 'repeat(5, 1fr) / repeat(5, 1fr)',
justifyItems: 'stretch',
const PositionExample = () => {
return (
<Box xcss={buttonGridStyles.root}>
{ => (
<Box key={placement} xcss={placementGridPositions[placement]}>
<Tooltip position={placement} content={placement}>
{(tooltipProps) => (
<Button {...tooltipProps} shouldFitContainer>
export default PositionExample;
If set to mouse
, the tooltip will display next to the mouse pointer. Use mousePosition
customize where the tooltip shows in relation to the mouse.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Button from '@atlaskit/button/new';
import Tooltip, { type PositionType } from '@atlaskit/tooltip';
const VALID_POSITIONS: PositionType[] = ['mouse', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'];
const PositionMouseExample = () => {
const [position, setPosition] = useState(0);
const positionText = VALID_POSITIONS[position];
return (
<Tooltip content={positionText} position={positionText}>
{(tooltipProps) => (
onClick={() => {
setPosition((position + 1) % VALID_POSITIONS.length);
Hover over me
export default PositionMouseExample;
Customizing tooltip
The tooltip component accepts a component prop, which you can use to customize the look and feel of the tooltip area. Never put links or other interactive components in tooltips because this isn't accessible.
You can use the TooltipPrimitive
component to customize the style of the default tooltip.
* @jsxRuntime classic
* @jsx jsx
import { forwardRef } from 'react';
import Button from '@atlaskit/button/new';
import { cssMap, jsx } from '@atlaskit/css';
import { token } from '@atlaskit/tokens';
import Tooltip, { TooltipPrimitive, TooltipPrimitiveProps } from '@atlaskit/tooltip';
const styles = cssMap({
root: {
backgroundColor: token('elevation.surface'),
borderRadius: token('border.radius'),
boxShadow: token('elevation.shadow.overlay'),
color: token('color.text'),
maxHeight: '300px',
maxWidth: '300px',
paddingBlockStart: token('space.100'),
paddingBlockEnd: token('space.100'),
paddingInlineStart: token('space.150'),
paddingInlineEnd: token('space.150'),
const CustomTooltip = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, TooltipPrimitiveProps>(function CustomTooltip(
{ children, className, },
) {
return (
// Manually passing on `className` so it gets merged correctly in the build output.
// The passed classname is mostly used for integration testing (`.Tooltip`)
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/design-system/no-unsafe-style-overrides, @atlaskit/ui-styling-standard/no-classname-prop
// "css" does not "exist" - it gets transformed into "className" by compiled
export default function TooltipCustomizationExample() {
return (
<Tooltip component={CustomTooltip} content="This is a customized tooltip">
{(tooltipProps) => <Button {...tooltipProps}>Hover or keyboard focus on me</Button>}
Accessibility issues using 'title'
A tooltip is often used to specify extra information when a person hovers or keyboard focuses on an
element, which matches the behavior of the HTML title
attribute. Avoid using the HTML title
attribute in any children of the tooltip or you may see double tooltips displayed. The title
attribute isn't supported consistently across screen readers, and is inaccessible to all
keyboard-only users and mobile phone users.
import React from 'react';
import Button from '@atlaskit/button/new';
import Tooltip from '@atlaskit/tooltip';
export default () => (
content="Never use the title attribute. Double tooltips will be displayed."
{(tooltipProps) => (
title="This is a native tooltip from the title attribute. Don't do this, it isn't accessible."
Hover to reveal my tooltip and title attribute
Updating tooltip position
When the content of a visible tooltip changes, its' position isn't recalculated and the tooltip may
become misaligned. If you need the tooltip to recalculate its position you can control this manually
using the update
render prop.
import React from 'react';
import Button from '@atlaskit/button/new';
import Tooltip from '@atlaskit/tooltip';
const shortMessage = "I'm a short tooltip";
const longMessage = 'I am a longer tooltip with a decent amount of content inside';
export default () => {
const [message, setMessage] = React.useState(shortMessage);
const updateTooltip = React.useRef<() => void>();
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
}, [message]);
return (
content={({ update }) => {
updateTooltip.current = update;
return message;
{({ onClick, ...tooltipProps }) => (
onClick={() => setMessage(message === shortMessage ? longMessage : shortMessage)}
Click to toggle tooltip
Preventing tooltip interactions
There are situations where the tooltip persisting on hover of the tooltip itself can obstruct interactions with another element.
Set ignoreTooltipPointerEvents
to true to prevent mouse interactions with the tooltip. This sets
pointer-events: none
on the tooltip.
Tooltip is interactive
Tooltip is not interactive
import React from 'react';
import Button from '@atlaskit/button/new';
import { Inline, Stack } from '@atlaskit/primitives/compiled';
import Tooltip from '@atlaskit/tooltip';
export default () => (
<Stack space="space.100">
<Stack space="space.100">
<p>Tooltip is interactive</p>
<Inline space="space.100">
<Tooltip content="This is a tooltip" position="right">
{(tooltipProps) => (
<Button appearance="primary" {...tooltipProps}>
Hover me first
<Button>Hover me second</Button>
<Stack space="space.100">
<p>Tooltip is not interactive</p>
<Inline space="space.100">
<Tooltip content="This is a tooltip" position="right" ignoreTooltipPointerEvents>
{(tooltipProps) => (
<Button appearance="primary" {...tooltipProps}>
Hover me first
<Button>Hover me second</Button>
In order for screen readers to get access to content within tooltips, a hidden element is created
that contains the content
of a tooltip. The trigger of a tooltip (the children
of <Tooltip>
is provided with aria-describedby
to connect the hidden element to the trigger.
- If
is a function:aria-describedby
is provided as a prop. - If
is a component:aria-describedby
is manually added to the added to the element in auseEffect
To disable the usage of a hidden element for screen reader announcements, use the
prop. This is useful when the content of a tooltip matches the
content of the trigger as no hidden element would be needed.
Click to update
Component in content
* @jsxRuntime classic
* @jsx jsx
import React, { forwardRef, Fragment, useState } from 'react';
import Button, { IconButton } from '@atlaskit/button/new';
import { cssMap, jsx } from '@atlaskit/css';
import AddIcon from '@atlaskit/icon/glyph/editor/add';
import { token } from '@atlaskit/tokens';
import Tooltip, {
type PositionType,
} from '@atlaskit/tooltip';
const VALID_POSITIONS: PositionType[] = ['mouse', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'];
const shortMessage = "I'm a short tooltip";
const longMessage = 'I am a longer tooltip with a decent amount of content inside';
const styles = cssMap({
root: {
backgroundColor: token('elevation.surface'),
borderRadius: token('border.radius'),
boxShadow: token('elevation.shadow.overlay'),
color: token('color.text'),
maxHeight: '300px',
maxWidth: '300px',
paddingBlockStart: token('space.100'),
paddingBlockEnd: token('space.100'),
paddingInlineStart: token('space.150'),
paddingInlineEnd: token('space.150'),
const CustomTooltip = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, TooltipPrimitiveProps>(function CustomTooltip(
{ children, className, },
) {
return (
// Manually passing on `className` so it gets merged correctly in the build output.
// The passed classname is mostly used for integration testing (`.Tooltip`)
// eslint-disable-next-line @atlaskit/design-system/no-unsafe-style-overrides, @atlaskit/ui-styling-standard/no-classname-prop
// "css" does not "exist" - it gets transformed into "className" by compiled
export default function TooltipRenderPropsExample() {
const [message, setMessage] = React.useState(shortMessage);
const [position, setPosition] = useState(0);
const updateTooltip = React.useRef<() => void>();
const changeDirection = () => {
setPosition((position + 1) % VALID_POSITIONS.length);
const handleOnMouseDown = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => console.log(event);
const positionText = VALID_POSITIONS[position];
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
}, [message]);
return (
<Tooltip content="Add content">
{(tooltipProps) => <IconButton icon={AddIcon} label="Add" testId="add" {...tooltipProps} />}
<p>Click to update</p>
content={({ update }) => {
updateTooltip.current = update;
return message;
{(tooltipProps) => (
onClick={() => setMessage(message === shortMessage ? longMessage : shortMessage)}
onMouseDown={(e) => {
Click to toggle tooltip
<p>Component in content</p>
<Tooltip component={CustomTooltip} content="Hello World">
{(tooltipProps) => (
<Button appearance="primary" {...tooltipProps}>
Hover or keyboard focus on me
padding: `${token('space.500', '40px')} ${token('space.500', '40px')}`,
<Tooltip content={positionText} position={positionText}>
{(tooltipProps) => (
<Button {...tooltipProps} onClick={changeDirection}>
Conditional tooltips
A tooltip can be conditionally shown by leveraging the canAppear
prop. This is helpful when you
have an element where you only want to show the tooltip of the content of the element is
* @jsxRuntime classic
* @jsx jsx
import { useRef } from 'react';
import { jsx } from '@compiled/react';
import invariant from 'tiny-invariant';
import { cssMap, cx } from '@atlaskit/css';
import { Box, Stack, Text } from '@atlaskit/primitives/compiled';
import { token } from '@atlaskit/tokens';
import Tooltip from '@atlaskit/tooltip';
const styles = cssMap({
root: {
paddingTop: token('space.100'),
paddingRight: token('space.100'),
paddingBottom: token('space.100'),
paddingLeft: token('space.100'),
borderColor: token('color.border'),
borderRadius: token('border.radius'),
borderStyle: 'solid',
borderWidth: token('border.width'),
const smallStyles = cssMap({
root: {
width: '200px',
const content = {
first: 'Tooltip shown on this item as it is concatenated',
second: 'No tooltip shown as this item is not being concatenated',
export default function Example() {
const firstRef = useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null);
const secondRef = useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null);
return (
<Stack space="space.100">
// don't need a screen reader announcement as the
// tooltip content is the same as the items content
canAppear={() => {
const element = firstRef.current;
// Only showing the tooltip for this item when
// the element has been clamped.
return element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight;
{(props) => (
<Box {...props} xcss={cx(styles.root, smallStyles.root)}>
<Text ref={firstRef} maxLines={1}>
// don't need a screen reader announcement as the
// tooltip content is the same as the items content
canAppear={() => {
const element = secondRef.current;
// Only showing the tooltip for this item when
// the element has been clamped.
return element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight;
{(props) => (
<Box {...props} xcss={styles.root}>
<Text ref={secondRef} maxLines={1}>