Product typefaces and scale

Learn about our product typefaces and their scale considerations.

Our typefaces

We use two typefaces, Atlassian Sans for headings and body copy and Atlassian Mono for all instances of code within our products.

Atlassian Sans

Atlassian Sans is our derivative of the Inter Variable typeface which streamlines the font to optimize for certain type features to create a product typeface that compliments our brand font. We use this typeface for all UI in our products other than instances where we are representing code.

Image of words Atlassian Sans with small type "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" underneath

OpenType features

We use a select set of type features to enhance legibility and readability of our UI. Most are used consistently but some are more case specific such as the slashed zero.

Lower-case L with tailUse always
Upper-case i with serifUse always
Capital G with spurUse always
Single-story aUse always
Flat-top 3Use always
Alternate German double sUse always
Square punctuation and square quotesUse always
Slashed zeroTo be used selectively with data points
Tabular figuresFor use in tables and lists

Atlassian Mono

Atlassian Sans is our derivative of the JetBrains Mono typeface which seamlessly integrates with Atlassian Sans. We use this typeface for all instances of code in our products.

Image of words Atlassian Mono with small type "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" underneath

OpenType features

We are using specific type settings that enhance the usability and clarity of this font when applied in real-world scenarios.

Slashed zeroUse always
LigaturesDo not use

System Fonts

For products that are not yet using the Refreshed system, we use system fonts. These system fonts are the same across both our Modernised and Legacy systems and are the fallback if, for any reason, Atlassian Sans and/or Mono are unavailable.



We use a minor third type scale for our typography system. Sizes scale up or down by a factor of 1.2 rounded to the nearest multiple of 4 and are formed around a base rem unit of 16px.

Image of typography scale with values of 48px, 40px, 32px, 28px, 24px, 20px, 16px, 14px and 12pxTypography scale shown with values of 20px and 16px highlighted. There is an arrow from 16px to 20px and a explanative equation of 16 multiplied by 1.2 equals 19.2 which rounds up to 20.

Line height

To determine line heights in headings, we multiply the font sizes by ~1.2 times and for body ~1.5 times. These are also rounded to the nearest multiple of 4 to align with other foundations like spacing and iconography.

Image that shows diagram with heading that is size 24px and an explanative equation to determine the line height which is approximately 1.2 times 24px (the size of the heading text) equals 28.8 which rounds up to 28Image that shows diagram with heading that is size 24px and an explanative equation to determine the line height which is approximately 1.2 times 24px (the size of the heading text) equals 28.8 which rounds up to 28

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