
We are no longer maintaining these guidelines and recommend referring to our Color palette guideline for the latest colors.

Both RGB and CMYK palettes are available for Adobe products (.ase). We've also included an RGB palette for Sketch (.sketchpalette). Simply install the Sketch Palette plugin to use it.

Confused about what color to use? Become a master of the dark (and light) arts of color by using our color guidelines.

Download ADG 3 RGB Color palette for keynote (8.38KB)
ADG 3 RGB Color palette for keynote (8.38KB)
Download ADG3 RGB Sketch color palette (1.54KB)
ADG3 RGB Sketch color palette (1.54KB)
Download ADG3 RGB color palettes for Adobe products (1.49KB)
ADG3 RGB color palettes for Adobe products (1.49KB)
Download ADG3 CMYK color palettes for Adobe products (1.54KB)
ADG3 CMYK color palettes for Adobe products (1.54KB)

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