Great first impressions can influence a person's decision to engage with, keep using, and recommend our products. These experiences should be contextual, focus on one to three key benefits, and make people feel supported, motivated, confident, and empowered.
Three first impression scenarios that cover the most common user journeys:
new product signup
new experience
new, updated, or removed features
All teams can use the first impression guidelines to drive people towards their "aha!" moment - when they know how something delivers value to them.
Know your target audience and demonstrate the value proposition to them when they need it. Understand the user's goals, what they want to accomplish, and how the feature or change will benefit them.
Think about what people were doing before encountering your first impression pattern and what they'll be doing next. First impression patterns should be dismissible, so we get out of people's way.
Onboarding and change management should be built into the design and development cycles. It should not be an afterthought.
Consider the whole user journey when creating a first impression. Define the priority and quantity of all push notifications the user will encounter based on their needs.
Choose a first impression pattern to get started.
Use this pattern to introduce an entire set of feature changes, which can include new functionality, look, or interaction points. This includes medium or large experiences that a majority of people will encounter. For information on how we size first impressions, go to user journey sizes.
Go to the new experience pattern.
Use this pattern to introduce existing users to a new or updated feature. This includes changes that impact only some users, so would be small or medium user journey sizes.
Go to the new or updated feature pattern.
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