Atlassian's font stack

Display of different fonts

Download our fonts by going to go/fonts (Atlassian employees only)

Brand typography

We use our custom font, Charlie Sans, for almost everything brand and marketing — from banner ads to billboards. It was designed to be incredibly versatile with lots of range in terms of tone and playfulness. It can be quirky and expressive when it needs to be, or neutral when the situation calls for something a bit more serious. On rare occasions, we also use native typography for selected elements.

Charlie is available in two styles, Display and Text.

Product typography

We use native typography for all in-product experiences. This ensures that the UI is optimized to be highly legible, performs well, and is frictionless as you move between Atlassian products and the rest of the system.

Font stacks

We use sans serif fonts for most of our type in-product, the exception being when you want to display code then you should defer to monospace fonts.

Sans serif

OSFont family
WindowsSegoe UI
MacOS & iOSSF Pro Text
SF Pro Display
SF UI Text (deprecated)
SF UI Display (deprecated)
Helvetica Neue (fallback)
Chrome OS & AndroidRoboto
Noto Sans (fallback)
Droid Sans (fallback)
Firefox OSFira Sans

font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', 'Roboto', 'Oxygen', 'Ubuntu', 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;


OSFont family
WindowsSegoe UI Mono
MacOS & iOSSF Mono Medium
SF Mono
Chrome OS & AndroidRoboto Mono
UbuntuUbuntu Mono

font-family: 'SFMono-Medium', 'SF Mono', 'Segoe UI Mono', 'Roboto Mono', 'Ubuntu Mono', Menlo, Consolas, Courier, monospace;


Keeping typography consistent and sticking to logical hierarchies ensures that elements in the UI are clear and easily recognizable when scanning the page. Text sizes, styles, and layouts were selected to balance content and UI and to foster familiarity.

The default appearance of typography in Atlassian Design System uses the UI properties. The use of long form properties is up to individual products.


Text size h900Basic properties
Font size: 35px
Font weight: 500 / medium
Character spacing -0.01em
Color: N800
UI properties
Line height: 40px
Margin top: 52px
Use for
Oversized screen titles. Use in moderation.
Text size h800Basic properties
Font size: 29px
Font weight: 600 / semibold
Character spacing: -0.01em
Color: N800
UI properties
Line height: 32px
Margin top: 40px
Long form properties
Line height: 32px
Margin top: 48px
Use for
Empty states and feature introductions. Top level headers.
Text size h700Basic properties
Font size: 24px
Font weight: 500 / medium
Character spacing: -0.01em
Color: N800
UI properties
Line height: 28px
Margin top: 40px
Long form properties
Line height: 28px
Margin top: 40px
Use for
Main titles, use only once per page.
Text size is h600Basic properties
Font size: 20px
Font weight: 500 / medium
Character spacing: -0.008em
Color: N800
UI properties
Line height: 24px
Margin top: 28px
Long form properties
Line height: 24px
Margin top: 36px
Use for
Headings that identify key functionality.
Text size h500Basic properties
Font size: 16px
Font weight: 600 / semibold
Character spacing: -0.006em
Color: N800
UI properties
Line height: 20px
Margin top: 24px
Long form properties
Line height: 24px
Margin top: 32px
Use for
Sub-section and field group headings.
Text size h400Basic properties
Font size: 14px
Font weight: 600 / semibold
Character spacing: -0.003em
Color: N800
UI properties
Line height: 16px
Margin top: 16px
Long form properties
Line height: 20px
Margin top: 24px
Use for
Deep headings and for highlighting important pieces of information.
TEXT SIZE H300Basic properties
Font size: 12px
Font weight: 600 / semibold
Character spacing: 0
Color: N800
text-transform: uppercase
UI properties
Line height: 16px
Margin top: 20px
Long form properties
Line height: 16px
Margin top: 20px
Use for
Heading up a group of list items.
Text size h200Basic properties
Font size: 12px
Font weight: 600 / semibold
Character spacing: 0
Color: N200
UI properties
Line height: 16px
Margin top: 16px
Use for
Low level headings.
Text size h100Basic properties
Font size: 11px
Font weight: 700 / bold
Character spacing: 0
Color: N200
UI properties
Line height: 16px
Margin top: 16px
Use for
Lowest level headings.


Bold14pxUse strong to emphasize text.
Italics14pxUse em to italicize text.
Small11pxUse small primarily on help text under form fields, and as secondary supporting text in applications. It should be used sparingly.
Link14pxUse when you are linking just a few words of text, or when a link is standalone. Do not use for actions, instead use a button. For lists of objects that are not mixed with paragraphs, such as a list of recent issues or commits in a side panel, use the default neutral color. For user generated content, changing the color choice for a whole element, for example an h2 heading, will still display in the default hyperlink color. If the user can apply a color choice directly to a link, then the product should respect that new color choice.
1. Ordered lists14pxUse ordered lists to group items in a pre-determined order. Should have a line height of 20px.
• Unordered lists14pxUse unordered lists to group related items. Should have a line height of 20px.
"A blockquote"14pxUse with a quotation that is typically longer than a few lines. It will be indented to set it apart from surrounding text.
"An inline quote"14pxUse for short quotations that will appear within larger bodies of text.
<div class="foo"><h1>Example code snippet</h1></div>14pxUse for displaying inline code blocks.

Line length

Set the reading environment to suit the reader. Wide lines of text are difficult to read and make it harder for people to focus. While there is no right way to measure the perfect width for text, a good goal is to aim for between 60 and 100 characters per line including spacing. Setting an optimal line length will break up content into easily digestible information.

Readers may also have control over the layout width, meaning that a line length can not always be specified. So it's good practice to design for an ideal line length range under normal circumstances, and use responsive design techniques to anticipate different contexts.

Optimal line lengths

When displaying content in a fluid layout, set the max-width (680 in the example below). When the viewport is resized and the content has reached the max-width, the container will continue to expand with even margins on either side. When the viewport has been resized and the content is below the max-width, the content will snap to 100% of the container with the specified margins on either side.

Max widths for fluid content

Service and educational typography

Our service sites use a mixture of both marketing and product typography and is assessed on a case-by-case basis depending on the following considerations:

  • Atlassian messaging vs. user-generated or modified content

  • editorial content vs. technical content

  • brand marketing visual styles vs. product UI visual styles

  • consistency across sites vs. one-off solutions

Please work directly with the Creative & Design teams when assessing typography for these types of properties.

​Third-party services and portals

Atlassian relies on several third-party services to provide content and information to Atlassian employees, partners, and sometimes, users. Most information in most third-party portals and services should maintain their native styling. This means that we should not override most of the default elements, styles or layouts. However, there are several Atlassian brand assets that can be used to imply authorship, endorsement, or affiliation with a given service.


For implementation details consult AUI.

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