We group first impressions by size to determine what type of impact they may have on the user's experience or the usability of the product.


A change that impacts a small part of our products or only a subset of users.


A change that significantly impacts how all or a majority of users interact with a part of our products.

Ensure you have clearly defined the main one or two benefits of this new experience and communicate them to users. If you can validate these benefits through user testing, that's even better!


A change that dramatically impacts how all users interact with and use our products.

Large changes should be rolled out on a well-planned schedule, ideally with an opt-in and opt-out strategy. Ensure the customer impact is clearly understood and communicated before any change rolls out. Communicate the main two to three benefits of this new experience in context. If you can validate these benefits through user testing, that's even better!


An impression that only new users encounter. Communicate the benefits and value our products can provide new users.

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